UI Browser and/ or BTT


got a hint how to modify my daily work furthermore with UI Browser. This app shows the code (?) behind a check box in any software. So I can copy and paste it to make it possible to control: to select or deselect sth in any app via a shortcut.

My question now is: isn't this already possible with BTT? Are there proprietary additions?

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UI Browser is just a tool that displays the scriptable/accessibility properties of any element on your screen. It also allows you to copy the apple script to access an element. You can use this then with Apple Script inside of BTT.
BTT works great with Apple Script (using the "Run Apple Script" actions) and UI Browser can be a good tool to help figure out the necessary Apple Script.

However Bill Cheeseman retired in 2022 and since then UI Browser is kind of dead AFAIK (because you can't purchase licenses for it anymore)

UI Browser End of Life: UI Browser will reach its end of life and be retired on October 17, 2022. The current release of UI Browser, version 3.0.2, will not be updated. On the end-of-life retirement date, the PFiddlesoft website will be closed. Thereafter, it will no longer be possible to download or purchase UI Browser, and product support will no longer be available. UI Browser has been a labor of love for me, its sole developer for almost twenty years. Now that I am 79 years old, it is time to bring this good work to a conclusion. Bill Cheeseman, April 17, 2022.

I think the trial still works good though. Without at least some basic Apple Script knowledge UI Browser will not help you too much however.

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As my motivation is to learn more coding, either Python or JavaScript (or Apple Script) - and on the other side I have the urgent need to speed things up as how I interact with my Mac, it makes sense.
Or do you recommend another tool?

it’s only a little helper tool, but it’s good. There are no alternatives. However it got some problems on current macOS versions and crashes sometimes.

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