Updated to 5.140 (2025012901), and now all my triggers are disabled.
Importing a backup (which I create at least once a day) restores them, but they remain disabled. I can’t simply enable all triggers because some were intentionally disabled due to redundancy or conflicts with existing ones.
Including individual tiggers and also containing folder.
that is very strange, did they get disabled after upgrading or after importing a preset?
Also what kind of triggers are they? (I just tried to import various presets but they seem to enable fine) Would you maybe be able to share such a preset with me? (andreas@folivora.ai)
Managed to get it to work, after deleting all profile and creating an empty profile as default, then importing my profile, it came back ok.
I still believe having the support to save the entire profile to a json / db / etc on a time based / change base (each time there is a modification to the config) would go a long way with users.
Today i'm relaying on python code and schedule with BTT and its rather flaky
I can't really think of a reason why it would get disabled. Do you have the experimental cloud sync enabled?
If possible you could go to ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool and copy the 3 files from the previous version and send them to me (andreas@folivora.ai)
For example:
You can also try to quit BTT and just delete the latest copies of these 3 files (i.e.