I use Trigger Menubar Menu-Item all the time, but there is one use case I can't figure out. I looked in the archives but couldn't find it either.
If the Menu-Item changes text, like "Open File||Close File" then it is easy to consistently trigger only the one aspect. But what about checked Menu-items? What do you do when it is the same Menu-item text, but you only want to trigger an uncheck?
For example, in Chrome browsers, there is View;Always Show ____.
I don't want to toggle, I just want to trigger an unchecked state. What am I missing?
I understand this is a bit niche of a request, but I am also wanting this.
I want feedback when I am keeping a note floated in the Notes app. Currently doing a keyboard shortcut and activating via Menubar Item does not give me any info as to whether or not my command was successful.
Recent BTT versions have a scripting function that would allow for this. The only problem is that right after toggling the state of an item, it can return the wrong value for ~1 seconds. You can either solve this by adding a delay or by doing it like this: