Trigger floating webview through shortcuts not working

I'm going to display a floating webview to redner some html through Shortcuts app, but nothing displayed when I run the shortcuts. I tried it inside BTT app and it's working. How do I fix this problem?

Hi @Ooo_ooO, welcome to the BTT community!

I tried replicating your Apple Shortcut based on the details in your screenshot. Can you confirm whether you've modified any of the default configurations below the "Do NOT keep active in background" toggle?

Based on my testing, it seems that the "Z Index" setting may not be functioning properly when set to "Float above all other windows." This means the floating webview doesn't appear as expected when the Apple Shortcut is triggered. For more details on how the Z Index setting is supposed to work, you can refer to the relevant section in the BTT documentation.

However, I noticed something interesting: after using the "Show Desktop" gesture (for me, that’s a spread with thumb and three fingers), the webview does appear, but it is beneath all other windows rather than floating on top as expected. This suggests that the Z Index behavior might not be working correctly in this configuration, or there could be an issue with how the Shortcut triggers the webview.

See screenshot


Try modifying the "Z Index" setting to "Specify window z-index/level manually" and set the "Z Index Manual" to a number. After doing this, the webview appeared above all other windows as expected for me. You may need to experiment with different values. Additionally, you might find this blog post about Z Index levels on macOS helpful.

Let me know if this workaround helps or if you need more assistance! Looking forward to hearing back from you.

@Andreas_Hegenberg, could you confirm if this is a bug with the "Z Index" setting or if there’s something we’re overlooking?

I left the configuration Do NOT keep active in background as default (unchecked). And after my testing, it seems Float above all other windows and Stick to desktop, behind all other windows have same behavior. Setting index to a large value or using the configuration behaving like standard windows both working well. Thanks a lot, this problem really bothering me for a long time.

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