Transform Clipboard / Selected Text doesn’t work over multiple blocks in Notion anymore.

Describe the bug

Transform Clipboard / Selected Text action doesn’t work over multiple blocks in Notion anymore.

Notion pages have multiple blocks, and each block has its own text.

I use ChatGPT actions for selected text, and it seems it doesn’t recognize when the selection is blocks. If the selection is the text, it's fine.

It used to work for both, selected text in a block and selected blocks.


It works fine with text selection in a block:

It seems no text detected on selection and in the clipboard, over blocks:

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MacBook Pro 16-Inch, 2019
  • macOS version: 15.2
  • BetterTouchTool version: 5.157

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

  • I think it's after the clipboard manager was introduced, not sure.

  • It does copy multiple blocks into clipboard, so I can see them in the clipboard manager in BTT.

  • In the ChatGPT action config, I tried input / output formats other than plain text, such as;

    • public.utf8-plain-text
    • public.png public.rtf
    • public.html
    • “HTML source” for output (I don’t even’t know what it means)
  • The workaround I found is to run JS (Transform Clipboard Content with JS) to create a string variable:

    async (clipboardContentString) => {
        await set_string_variable("clipboard_text", clipboardContentString);
     return null

    And I use this value in Gemini. I wrote a simple script to use the string variable, since it seems there is no way to use a variable as input, but only selected text or the clipboard. (If you just let me use vars in the prompt, that will solve a lot).