July 29, 2024, 11:07am
System rebooted.
Latest Alpha installed (4.644)
Describe the bug
I have only 'normal mouse' triggers on For All Apps.
Right click is rebound to apple+[ to go back.
When BTT is open the trackpad 2 finger secondary click also triggers this behaviour.
Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):
MacBook Trackpad, Evoluent Vertical Mouse 4
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)
Device information:
Type of Mac: M3 Pro
macOS version: 14.5
BetterTouchTool version: 4.6.44
that is expected behavior, for these standard trackpad functions (left,right click& scroll) the trackpad açts as a normal mouse.
If you want to prevent that you can use the advanced trigger conditions like this:
July 29, 2024, 11:21am
That might be the fastest and most useful reply I've ever got from any software I've ever paid for. Problem resolved. Thanks @Andreas_Hegenberg !
1 Like
August 2, 2024, 2:38pm
Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg ,
I've been using fingers_touching_trackpad == 0
for a few days and found that sometimes (2-3 times a day, possibly more common after coming back to the laptop and unlocking) a touchpad right click is still intercepted as a normal-mouse right click. The second attempt always works.
Do you have any advice, please?
Thank you.