TouchBar/Widget _ CustomAppleScriptSlider _ Midi & Keystroke

Looking for a way to send MIDI with the Custom Apple Script Slider Widget, single buttons, etc.
Like in this App MIDI Touchbar I found.

But with this app I have to translate MIDI via AppleScript (by MidiPipe) back to Keystroke. The customization options are also very limited.


on runme(message)
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Live" -- (Ableton Live)
			set frontmost to true
		end tell
		if (item 1 of message = 176) and (item 2 of message = 23) then tell process "Live"
			keystroke space using shift down
		end tell
		if (item 1 of message = 176) and (item 2 of message = 32) then tell process "Live"
			key code 48
		end tell
	end tell
end runme

Which is somehow unsatisfactory anyway.

Think the whole concept can be implemented only with BTT even better ; )

Does anyone know about DAW control, AppleScript or MIDI? Maybe just an AppleScript to send MIDI over the BTT Slider or stuff like that. Every tip gets on!

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This is something I really would love to see as well, Sliders and buttons putting out MIDI messages, like Notes/CC/Pitchbend...

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