Touchbar Synced Lyric

I don't think it is compatible with those apps. None of them support Applescript, meaning I cannot ask them for music information it's playing. Only Spotify and Apple music are supported.

两个软件和这个程序并不兼容,主要是因为它们都不支持Applescript, 所以我没有办法获取正在播放的音乐信息。目前只有Spotify 和Apple Music提供支持。

My config looks like this, and yes I am using the app downloaded from Spotify Mac Download

Looks like there are some compatibility issues with python 3.10. I will take a deeper look

It has been updated to 0.6.9 and it should work with python 3.10. You can run this command to upgrade the package pip3 install touchbar_lyric --upgrad.

I confirm it works after the update! Thank you very much!

can anyone tell me how to do that correctly?


You can find the correct python path by running which python. It should print something like /usr/bin/python3

Use this to update the config value so it ends up like this /usr/bin/python3 -m touchbar_lyric --app Spotify

There are 3 spaces in that value

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Can anyone help me with this installation?? thanks

I dont know but i cant make it work. I am getting the following error;
Any help would be much appreciated.

Also when i do which python3, my python path is: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin/python3

/bin/bash: line 0: [: missing `]'

/bin/bash: line 2: BTTWidgetName: command not found

/bin/bash: line 3: BTTTriggerType: command not found

/bin/bash: line 4: BTTTriggerTypeDescription: command not found

/bin/bash: line 5: BTTTriggerClass: command not found

/bin/bash: line 6: BTTPredefinedActionType: command not found

/bin/bash: line 7: BTTPredefinedActionName: command not found

/bin/bash: line 8: BTTShellScriptWidgetGestureConfig: command not found

/bin/bash: line 9: BTTEnabled2: command not found

/bin/bash: line 10: BTTRepeatDelay: command not found

/bin/bash: line 11: BTTUUID: command not found

/bin/bash: line 12: BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription: command not found

/bin/bash: line 13: BTTEnabled: command not found

/bin/bash: line 14: BTTModifierMode: command not found

/bin/bash: line 15: BTTOrder: command not found

/bin/bash: line 16: BTTDisplayOrder: command not found

/bin/bash: line 17: BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups: command not found

/bin/bash: line 18: BTTTriggerConfig: command not found

/bin/bash: line 19: BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceAfterButton: command not found

/bin/bash: line 20: BTTTouchBarOnlyShowIcon: command not found

/bin/bash: line 21: BTTTouchBarButtonColor: command not found

/bin/bash: line 22: BTTTouchBarApplyCornerRadiusTo: command not found

/bin/bash: line 23: BTTTouchBarItemPlacement: command not found

/bin/bash: line 24: BTTTouchBarAppleScriptStringRunOnInit: command not found

/bin/bash: line 25: BTTTouchBarAlwaysShowButton: command not found

/bin/bash: line 26: BTTTouchBarFontColorAlternate: command not found

/bin/bash: line 27: BTTScriptType: command not found

/bin/bash: line 28: BTTTouchBarButtonWidth: command not found

/bin/bash: line 29: BTTTouchBarScriptUpdateInterval: command not found

/bin/bash: line 30: BTTTouchBarItemIconHeight: command not found

/bin/bash: line 31: BTTTouchBarButtonUseFixedWidth: command not found

/bin/bash: line 32: BTTTouchBarButtonTextAlignment: command not found

/bin/bash: line 33: BTTTouchBarAlternateBackgroundColor: command not found

/bin/bash: line 34: BTTTBWidgetWidth: command not found

/bin/bash: line 35: BTTTouchBarItemIconWidth: command not found

/bin/bash: line 36: BTTTouchBarShellScriptString: command not found

/bin/bash: line 37: BTTTouchBarIconTextOffset: command not found

/bin/bash: line 38: BTTTouchBarButtonFontSize: command not found

/bin/bash: line 39: BTTTouchBarFontColor: command not found

/bin/bash: line 40: BTTTouchBarButtonName: command not found

/bin/bash: line 41: BTTTouchBarButtonCornerRadius: command not found

/bin/bash: line 42: BTTTouchBarItemPadding: command not found

/bin/bash: -c: line 44: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

/bin/bash: -c: line 44: ` }'