Introduction: I'm not a huge fan of the Touch Bar user experience. So I decided to create my own using basic design principles. Most importantly, I’ve created a Touch Bar with consistency, meaning that you know where the buttons are and what they should look like in each application.
I’ve tried my best to make it simple, I'd recommend that you change the function button so that it acts like an Esc key, you can do this in keyboard preferences in the settings app. Unless of course you have the latest MacBook Pro with a dedicated Esc key.
All of the icons have been custom made, so if you want a new one, let me know!
Here's the list of applications TouchBar OS accommodates:
- Finder
- Messages
- Safari
- Calendar
- Keynote
- Pages
- Notes
- Photos
- Reminders
- Illustrator
- Microsoft Teams
- Photoshop
- InDesign
- Keyshot
- Fusion 360
- Prusa slicer
- System preferences
- Find My
- News
- Digital Colour Meter
- App Store
- Better Touch Tool
Additional features:
Haptic feedback, so that each press feels like a real button
Press and hold on the left most menu button (the circle) to open the force quit window
To control brightness, swipe left or right with two fingers.
To control volume, swipe left or right with one finger.
Press the bell on the right to open notification centre.
Download TouchBar OS here: TouchBar OS (version 39).bttpreset (4.3 MB)
Control centre: (Eject, Dark mode, Night shift, True Tone, Do not disturb, Keyboard brightness):
Calendar (Shortcut, by pressing on the date):
Weather: (by pressing on the time, five day forecast):
Safari (Including auto fill):
Spotify: (includes mini media player when active)
Apple Music: (includes mini media player when active)