"Toggle Caps Lock On/Off" not working, Caps Lock also used as Hyper Key

Current config:

Keyboard shortcuts > Caps Lock (Key Up):

  • Actions Executed on Trigger: Act as Hyper Key
  • Actions Executed on (Unused) Hyper Key Release: Toggle Caps Lock On/Off

Previous config:
Keyboard shortcuts > Caps Lock (Key Up):

  • Actions Executed on Trigger: Act as Hyper Key


Automations, Named and Other Triggers > Named Trigger: Caps Lock

  • Action: Toggle Caps Lock On/Off


Under both configs (current and previous), trying to use Caps Lock for typing with normal Caps Lock behaviour does not work.

The above happens even if I disable BTT for all apps under the BTT menu bar icon, when either config is active.

The Hyper Key configs work. Just can't seem to get the normal behaviour of the Caps Lock to work (ie. toggle between Uppercase or lowercase).


  1. I hope BTT hasn't permanently altered the behaviour of my keyboard? Since the normal behaviour of Caps Lock doesn't appear even when I disable BTT.
  2. How do I get "Toggle Caps Lock On/Off" to work while also enabling Hyper Key sequences?

**Affected input device: Apple Magic Keyboard full size with Touch ID


Device information:

  • Type of Mac: Macbook Air 13" M3
  • macOS version: Sequoia 15.2
  • BetterTouchTool version: 5.112

you shouldn't set the caps lock trigger to only trigger on key up, instead try like this:

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for the video instructions.

I deleted my Caps Lock keyboard shortcut in Configuration, and set it up again:

It now works! But I noticed that even with the newly setup config, when I disable BTT and try toggling Caps Lock On/Off, the toggling doesn't work.

So I have to ask: what is causing the toggling of the Caps Lock to not work even when BTT is disabled? And how do I resolve that? Because the toggling the Caps Lock On/Off had no issues before I installed BTT.

that is because it now works on a much lower level. I‘ll add some code to disable it while BTT is disabled.

Hi Andreas,

Noted on your further plans for BTT to resolve the issue. Thank you for being so committed to developing BTT!

Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg

I've just implemented the instructions in your video.
My caps lock key doesnt work at all though.

How can I get it working?