To hide items from BTT's bar disable them (cmd+d) - Not Working

Describe the bug

"To hide items from BTT's bar disable them (cmd+d)" - Current floating-menu seems to ignore this.

**Affected input device **

Floating Menu


Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MBP
  • macOS version: Sequoia + Sequoia Dev Beta
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.741

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

I've also observed the items of the menu 'scrambling' themselves when 'popping up' the menu and, perhaps a separate bug, but a few items 'missing' from the "Widget: Menu Bar Status Items" list. Re-arranging items in this list isn't reliable either, again, separate bug report and perhaps related to the previous 'missing' items. I haven't reported it up to now since, you know, alpha/beta, evolution, etc.

Lastly - I have a MBP that I regularly use with an external monitor, screenshots from above = connected to the other monitor. When I run this on MBP screen only, the items to the 'right' of the '<' (give or take a few items) are 'off screen' to the right. Again. another bug probably, but figured I'd start with the obvious :slight_smile:

that should be working again in 4.743 alpha (uploading now). Also dragging or right-clicking items to hide them directly in the bar should work again.

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Things seem to be back to what they were, thanks! I'll keep playing.

FWIW - It appears that the "" (The one at ) is playing fast-and-loose with its menubar activities. It doesn't show up in the list of status items. Also, when I manually run Focus, quit/start BTT, the item list is messed up again vis,

(Before there were several items above the GREEN EYE of NO)

It seems like it's injecting itself into the menubar and, in turn, confusing the BTT list?

And, the reordering is still weird. The first time I dragged the GREEN EYE OF NO it popped back up to the top, but didn't catch that in the screen grab.