TipTap (1 Finger Fixed) doesn't work in both variants

Describe the bug

TipTap (1 Finger Fixed) Left/Right have stopped working for me recently. I'm not sure if it has been weeks or months though. TipTap (2 Finger Fixed), in contrast, seems to continue to work fine.

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.): Magic Trackpad

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: Mac mini 2023 M2
  • macOS version: Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93)
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.664

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

I've tried to increase the maximum allowed apart distance to the maximum and lower the threshold to trigger the gesture. Neither seemed to work. I tried changing the keyboard shortcuts they trigger too but that also didn't pan out. Basically, the gestures seem to be recognized by Mac as simple taps (so texts will get selected in applicable contexts like paragraphs on a website)

in general the gesture works fine (it's one of the most used in BTT), what kind of action do you have assigned to it?

Did you maybe modify the advanced tiptap settings?

I assign keyboard shortcuts Command+Option+Left/Right to them respectively, which usually translate to switching tabs in many applications.

I don't think I had changed the setting before the bug appeared but I did modify it during trying to find out whether those would help as mentioned in the report. I just used the "Reset ALL settings" at the bottom too after reading your reply but it doesn't seem to fix the issue on my end.

Does the tip tap show up in the recently used section? (that would indicate it is recognized)

Nope, it didn't. I suspected that part too so checked a few times (including just now) but I have not seen tiptap (1 Finger Fixed) showing up there while other gestures do show up.

weird. Maybe there is some conflict with some other gestures or settings. If you want you can go to help => export diagnostic debug information and send the result to me via andreas@folivora.ai, then I can check it in detail!

Sure thing! I just sent the diagnostic. To be honest, I haven't tried to completely uninstall and reinstall BTT yet since that's still quite a hassle. But if that's necessary to resolve the issue, I can try it out later too. Thanks!

ah one question before I checkout the debug data:
Do you use the macOS Accessibility "three finger dragging" on your trackpad (to drag stuff with three fingers)

Ah, yes. I keep using it since I didn't see warnings about it for the gestures I am using. I have been using that with BTT for years too though I don't know if anything has changed recently.

I don't think there has been a change in BTT, but this has always been problematic - on some macOS versions more than on others.
Can you try whether setting this and then restarting BTT changes anything?

I just tried setting that and clicked the "Restart BTT" button below but still can't manage to trigger TipTap (1 Finger Fixed). If anything, I think TipTap (2 Fingers Fixed) becomes slightly harder to trigger with that setting on the other hand.

My Bad. I suddenly realized that I should have tried "rebooting" my trackpad first. After I disconnected it from my Mac and then reconnected it, the issue went away. Hope this helps someone coming across this post for the same issue and happening to forget trying this among other simplest things.