Sync to iCloud drive

Hi there!
Does anybody know where exactly BTT stores its preset and configuration on the iCloud drive, if sync to iCloud is enabled?
I can't find any files refring to BTT on my iCloud drive even if I show hidden files.


I too would like to know. I have it set to use iCloud Drive as syncing but don't see any files related to BTT in my iCloud Drive. I can't confirm if it's actually syncing as I don't have another Mac to verify it with.

Did you ever find out @henningaround

Can you explain the process of setting up iCloud Drive syncing on various Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Mac?

Well what I did found out is when I copy the root folder of my iCloud Drive I can see all the files in the backup. I did this to take files with me when working as a freelance mixer in other studios. I rsync the BTT folder to an external SSD that I take with me.

Where in the actual iCloud folder is that? can you confirm the folder name please?

Well it actually disappeared !? Sorry I can't find it anymore :confused:

Ok no worries, thanks for the reply.