Sorry for the late reply. Your recommendation is working for changing the menu's position relative to the image's position
I'm using an image to position the menu as an alternative to the text cursor, as BTT seems unable to get its position in Chrome and the mac app I'm trying to interact with could be Chrome based. For instance, If the text cursor is in the text box used to post comments here, and I trigger the "Move Mouse to Position" in Safari the mouse will move perfectly to the text cursor, in Chrome it doesn't. There is any workaround for this?
About the visibility issue, I still couldn't toggle the visibility of my menu with the BTT option or applescript. I finally tried to export my menu and a default menu, use a code editor to copy the properties of the default menu, paste them in mine and import it. This worked to recover it. I paste below the previous properties of my menu. I can't see anything that would prevent it to become visible but maybe you can:
"BTTMenuBringToFrontOnHover" : 0,
"BTTMenuOnlyUpdatePositionOnExplicitRequest" : 1,
"BTTMenuVerticalSpacing" : 6,
"BTTMenuMakeDefaultStyle" : null,
"BTTMenuAnchorRelation" : 1,
"BTTMenuItemBackgroundColor" : "249.000000, 250.000000, 251.000000, 255.000000",
"BTTMenuCategoryItemVisibility" : 0,
"BTTMenuPositioningType" : 1,
"BTTMenuItemBorderWidth" : 1,
"BTTMenuPositionRelativeTo" : 0,
"BTTMenuCategoryOnlyShowIf" : 0,
"BTTMenuCategoryModifiers" : 0,
"BTTMenuOffsetX" : -5,
"BTTMenuOffsetY" : -5,
"BTTMenuItemShadowEnabled" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemCornerRadius" : 6,
"BTTMenuFrameWidth" : 290,
"BTTMenuFrameHeight" : 400,
"BTTMenuCategoryShadow" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemBorderColor" : "199.000000, 209.000000, 221.000000, 255.000000",
"BTTMenuCategoryBackground" : 0,
"BTTMenuCategoryZIndex" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemPaddingTop" : 10,
"BTTMenuCategoryItemSpacing" : 0,
"BTTMenuVisibility" : 1,
"BTTMenuItemsUseModifierModes" : false,
"BTTMenuCopyStyle" : null,
"BTTMenuItemBlurredBackground" : 0,
"BTTMenuLayoutDirection" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemBackgroundType" : 4,
"BTTMenuTitleBarStyle" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemPaddingLeft" : 16,
"BTTMenuItemBackgroundColorHover" : "249.000000, 250.000000, 251.000000, 255.000000",
"BTTMenuHorizontalSpacing" : 6,
"BTTMenuCategoryMenuVisibility" : 0,
"BTTMenuWindowLevel" : 3,
"BTTMenuCategoryBorder" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemPaddingRight" : 16,
"BTTMenuCloseAfterAction" : 0,
"BTTMenuWindowResizable" : 1,
"BTTMenuItemMinWidth" : 236,
"BTTMenuAnchorMenu" : 1,
"BTTMenuItemMaxWidth" : 2,
"BTTMenuShowIfWindowLevelEqualsEnabled" : 0,
"BTTMenuCategoryItemSizing" : 0,
"BTTMenuAppearanceStyle" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemBorderColorHover" : "199.000000, 209.000000, 221.000000, 255.000000",
"BTTLastChangeUUID" : "1B3669EB-F965-4EEA-93CF-2A9FB879F5F3",
"BTTMenuCategorySpacing" : 0,
"BTTMenuItemSaveCurrentSize" : null,
"BTTMenuCategoryPosition" : 0,
"BTTMenuElementIdentifier" : "backlink_review_widget",
"BTTMenuItemPaddingBottom" : 0,
"BTTMenuAlwaysUseLightMode" : "1",
"BTTMenuCategoryItemIcon" : 0,
"BTTMenuOffsetYUnit" : 0,
"BTTMenuCategorySize" : 0