snap areas vanished when I reinstalled monterey from a backup - is there anyway to recover them from wherever they are in the backup?

I had to reinstall the OS
I restored my data using migration assistant
The Mac seems ok
But my carefully created BTT snap areas, which I cherish have vanished

So I looked for them in system and library, and user library - all the usual places.

  • is there anyway to recover them from wherever they are in the backup?

I have a complete backup copy of my drive

ARE SNAP AREAS stored somewhere in prefs or app support or???

Please advise

In general all BTT triggers and snap areas are stored in the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool folder (go there via Finder => Go => Go to Folder, make sure to include the ~)

However Snap Areas are bound to a specific display configuration, you would need to make sure you have set the same display resolution on your new installation.