Hi, I need help. I feel shift+delete is to me easy to remember as reversely deleting text. In mac the standard one is fn+delete. So i have done a mapping, it works well. But i notice, if i want to use press without release to continuously delete letters, this mapped shortcut shift+delete works very slow and delete the letters very slowly. If i directly fn+delete, press without release, it can quickly start continuous deleting. What did i do wrong? or it is a limitation now in BTT. Thanks
what is your repeat rate set to?
this means it would repeat every two seconds. I’d recommend to set the repeat rate to something like 0,08 and the delay to 0,3
Now it makes sense. I thought the rate means how many times faster the translated key to the original input key. Yah, change the repeat rate to 0.07 second solve my problem. Thanks.