Siri Remote wakes up sleeping Mac

When I connected Siri Remote to my Mac by BTT, my Mac lost good sleep by randomly or periodically receiving wake requests from the Siri Remote, maybe.
If I remove the Bluetooth pairing of the Siri Remote, my Mac sleeps well.

The only way to prevent the issue I came up with is to add a "Disconnect Bluetooth Device" action by a "Before Mac Goes To Sleep" trigger on BTT.

It could be a macOS issue and not related to BTT though, I wonder if anyone has the same trouble or any idea.

It turned out it just didn't work.

"Disconnect Bluetooth Device" for Siri Remote doesn't work. I don't know why.
It works well on other Bluetooth devices though.

It could work when I assign "Disable Bluetooth" for "Before Mac Goes To Sleep", but I want to use my Magic Keyboard via Bluetooth to wake up my Mac...

When I disconnect Siri Remote manually on the setting app, it immediately reconnects automatically!!

The only thing I can do with it is to unpair the Bluetooth pairing.

Mhh I had encountered this once with a faulty Siri Remote that kept doing phantom button presses - however these were also quite noticable when using the remote with the Apple TV.

Unfortunately the remote is very agressively auto-reconnecting, thus disconnecting won't help much

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I bought a used Siri Remote just only for my Mac with BTT.
So it could have some issues and I couldn't notice it without owning an Apple TV.
Although it works well on every button for like a shortcut keypad, I would have to buy another one for good sleep.

I'm happy with finding the fact that it should work well with a legit one!!
Thank you.

This is really just a guess though! I haven't seen the wakeups myself, but maybe wait to see whether others have encountered this as well

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