SFSymbols 3 Support

Let me start by saying I absolutely love the touch bar customizability I can achieve using BTT. Keep up the fantastic work. This may already be in the works but I figured I would put a mention on here just in case. I created my own battery widget as I periodically notice quirks occurring with the built-in battery widget. While updating my own custom battery widget I noticed that while I am able to use the SF Symbols 2 battery icons, it is unable to pull the new "battery.75" and "battery.50" icons recently released in the updated SF Symbols 3 about a month ago (SF Symbols - Release Notes - Apple Developer). If integrating the new icons is already in the works I will happily wait patiently for the update supporting those to come through. I didn't see any similar topics when browsing the forum so I figured that I would bring awareness as a lot of the new symbols would be a nice addition. Thanks again for all the great features and customizability.

I think they are only included by default in macOS Monterey, but you can download the fonts here: Fonts - Apple Developer

Thanks for the quick response, sorry about the late reply. You were absolutely correct on the macOS Monterey point. I did have the fonts and symbols 3 installed on Big Sur but didn't have access to the Monterey beta at the time. After updating to the Monterey realease today the symbols are fully working as expected. Thank you again for everything you do.

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