"Send Scroll Event" Action has no effect ...

I am misunderstanding something.

I am trying to scroll vertically using BTT.

The Action "Send Scroll Event" does nothing in either Finder or in Lightroom Classic (which is the app I am trying to control). I have tried with both positive and negative X and Y. I have set BTT to scroll from the current mouse position. I have made sure the mouse cursor is not over the Floating Menu.

Send Scroll Event: nothing visible happens.
Drag to (from current mouse position): mouse cursor changes to hand, mouse cursor moves, content under mouse cursor is unchanged.
Start Mouse Drag, Move to (from current mouse position), Stop Drag: mouse cursor changes to hand, mouse cursor moves, content under mouse cursor is unchanged.

What is a direct way to scroll content under the mouse cursor?

the send scroll event basically does what the scroll wheel on your mouse is doing. Maybe you need bigger values for a visible effect?

Thanks. I can see the mouse cursor move and I can see it change from an arrow to a hand. The mouse cursor is doing what I expect it to do. The effect on the content below the mouse cursor is missing (e.g.: move a list of files in Finder, move a panel of information in Lightroom Classic).

In essence, both "Scroll" and "Drag" Actions perform as though they are simply "Move".

On a MacBook Pro. Both its trackpad and my Magic Trackpad work as expected: two-finger movement scrolls the content under the mouse curser, click-drag moves the content under the mouse cursor.

I feel that there is something that should be super-obvious that I'm missing ...

how are you triggering the actions? Drag is slightly more complex and might need additional steps depending on the app, but scroll should always work. However it just sends raw/discrete scroll events.

The actions are triggered from Floating Menus. For Lightroom Classic they are in a large Action-sequence (~40 Actions, some of which call Keyboard Maestro macros), but to test I created a simple Action-sequence for Finder on another Floating Menu.

When the simple Action-sequence didn't work in Finder, I concluded I'd be better off posting :blush: .

I have bracketed the Actions with pauses made with the Action "(Async) Delay next action by 1.00 Seconds".


When I bind a Scroll Action to a keychord (keyboard shortcut trigger) in Finder, it works!

So the issue, afaict, is not the Action — it's that the Action doesn't work when triggered from a Floating Menu.

is the floating menu set to hide when clicked? (if it is visible it would receive the scroll event itself, unless the mouse is moved away in a first step)

I have always had an Action that moved the mouse cursor to be not over the
Floating Menu (and not close) before the Action "Scroll". I even put in an "Delay (async)" Action after moving the mouse cursor and before the Scroll Action to make sure the Scroll Action "had" a stable mouse cursor position. I am not hiding the Floating Menu in my Lightroom Classic Floating Menu sequence, but I do have it set to close-on-trigger-click in my Finder Floating Menu. The result is the same: the mouse curser moves as expected (depends on the Action), but "Scroll" and ''Drag" do not engage with the screen content beyond whatever mouse cursor movement are expected.

The mouse cursor appears to be doing the events; the other screen content is not being "done" by the events.

I am experience something else that may be relevant: something is adding {return} or equivalent regularly but seemingly at random. This has happened before. I think it started when I first started using BetterTouchTool. The {return}s — if that is what they are — are apparent to me while I'm typing as suddenly I see blank lines and the characters I'm inputting appear three lines below where they had been appearing. They seem to come in sets of three. It's as though a ghost is typing "{return}{return}{return}" quickly and capriciously. IDK if they are related; I wonder is something else is being triggered by the scroll or drag event that steals the focus from the mouse controller.

Is there a system log of events? I'd like to troubleshoot the ghost {return}s even if they are not in any way related to the failure of the Scroll and Drag Actions when triggered from a Floating Menu on my machine.

you could check in the „recently used“ section whether there is anything unexpected showing up on top

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Thanks. There is nothing unexpected there. I am going to rule out unplanned BetterTouchTool actions from having any role in the current failure of Scroll and Drag Actions I'm seeing.

actually it should even work without moving the mouse as the menu briefly lets through any mouse events when a item is clicked:

but even with moving the mouse, it seems to work ok here: