Search with Google and other such URL functions in Safari are broken, overwriting tabs/windows

Describe the bug

My shortcuts that trigger Google searches or custom URLs in Safari - previously these would open a new window and run the search or URL. But now it overwrites an open tab/window (usually in another space) with the Google search or URL.

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):

Keyboard shortcuts.



Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MacBook Pro M1 Pro 14
  • macOS version: Sequoia 15.2
  • BetterTouchTool version: 5.076

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):


mhh could be some macOS or Safari setting, in general there has not been a change to these actions.

If you want you can use a custom open command. For example this would always open in a new tab/window:

osascript -e 'tell application "Safari" to activate' -e 'tell application "Safari" to tell front window to set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:"{url}"})'

Yes, something was going on with some of my safari windows not loading, so these windows were being used one by one, each time I called up the function. But I went through and made sure they all got loaded, and now it's working as normal. Thanks.