Save as function fails saving in designated name

I don't how it is with you all.
I am now running the latest release of the great better touch tool 5.244

And since a while I have problems with the "Save As" function. When I select a part of the screen for a screenshot. And I use the Save As function and then give my screenshot a custom name, like; "Myscreenshot" and save it in downloads.
Then BT ignores that and simple executes a Save function to the pictures with its own genereted name.

I am working on a Mac mini, latest software.

Before bug reporting, please make sure you have tried the latest (alpha) version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-). If you encounter a crash, please attach a crash log from the macOS from the "User Diagnostic Reports" section.

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Any bug reports that contain insults against me or my software will be deleted without warning (unfortunately this has become necessary to mention here).

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)

Device information:

  • Type of Mac:
  • macOS version:
  • BetterTouchTool version: (please post the exact version - not just "the latest one")

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

Are you using the action "Capture Screenshot then edit in BTT (easiest)" ?

For me it also saves the screenshot as a file, using the initial name, but it also saves it as duplicate file with my name if I click on "Save As". Actually it saves the screenshot even before hitting "Save" or "Save As" - maybe it would be good if it is not saved unless one of these 2 buttons is clicked.

Yes, indeed. That is exactly what I do.
And with Save As I expect that it would save it with the typed in name. But it doesn’t save it with me.
Luckily it does save it in Pictures, but it is more work getting it out of there again. :slight_smile:

The extra inconvenient point is that formerly it used to work. I have an older macbook, where the software (older version) also runs, and where the "save as" function flawlessly works.. :grinning:

Can you check whether this works again in 5.265 alpha? I think there was a small change in a recent version of macOS that broke this. (uploading now)

Yep, for me it is working as expected now.

Yess.... great. For me like @xidiot it is working also as expected.
Great work!