resizing windows is wrong with multiple displays

Describe the bug
Window does not resize to 100% height if there is another monitor (when done by Move & resize shortcut)

I have a shortcut to move and resize window to the left quarter of the screen (position 0, 100% - size: 100% height, 25% width)

it works ok if the left edge of the screen does not "touch" another screen, eg. if i use single display. If there is another screen - like the configuration attaches as a screenshot, the height of the window is is not 100% of the screen but it ends at the top edge of the monitor on the left. also i noticed, that the X position is not 0, but is negative (also see the screenshot)

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MBP 2020
  • macOS version: 10.15.7
  • BetterTouchTool version: (please post the exact version - not just "the latest one") 3.401

Additional information (e.g. StackTraces, related issues, screenshots, workarounds, etc.):