I was not happy about pressing cmd+tab too many times to change between apps. I got inspired by the Twitcher/Youtube streamer ThePrimeagen and decided to create shortcuts to access my most used apps as fast as possible. I also just recently learned about how people use Caps Lock as a hyper key, so I implemented both ideas.
What I did was very very simple, but I'm loving how much quicker my window management got. I basically defined Caps Lock as a hyper key and created shortcuts for my most used apps.
- Hyper+A: Browser;
- Hyper+W: VSCode;
- Hyper+S: Sublime Text;
See image below.
Then, for tiling:
- Hyper+1 to make the window occupy the left half,
- hyper+2 for right half,
- hyper+3 to maximize, and
- hyper+4 to almost maximize (100% height and 80% width).
I even turned stage manager off as I feel I don't need it anymore to quickly switch between apps.