"Prompt" action: OK or Cancel

Hi! I'm wondering if there's an action that will create a "OK to continue?" prompt.

I'd like to trigger a keyboard shortcut and see a prompt. If I click OK, the subsequent actions continue. If I click Cancel the subsequent actions don't run.


If you build buttons on the Touch Bar for your "Ok to continue" Prompt, then that would be easy.

If you want an on screen Dialog, then you can complete this using AppleScript depending on your subsequent actions.

Here is an applescript example that I'm using to confirm if I really want to delete an entry in my database.

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	set rid to get_number_variable "timeE_entryid"
end tell

set theResponse to display dialog "Confirm to remove entry (" & rid & ")" with icon note buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"

if button returned of theResponse is not "Continue" then
end if

That's a good solution. In case you want to continue with BTT actions after the dialog I'd assign them to a named trigger and trigger it like this:

set theResponse to display dialog "Confirm bla bla" with icon note buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"

if button returned of theResponse is not "Continue" then
end if

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
trigger_named_async_without_response "TheNameOfTheNamedTrigger" 
end tell

That is awesome, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks guys!