This is a big problem to me as I have a lot of actions in BTT using scpt files as source.
I guess this is not a bug of BTT. I think it should be a problem of my Sonoma configuration, maybe permissions, I don't know…
Last week I installed Sonoma in my macbook pro (a clean installation), so I have installed again all software and files after that.
I have given all permissions to BTT (full access to disk, accessibility, etcetera).
I have tried several things and looking for information, but I am totally lost.
@Andreas_Hegenberg do you have some idea of what I can do? Do you think it could be a permissions issue?
*I have the same problem with another application that run AppleScripts (the app is Bome Midi Translator Pro). So it seems the problem is execute scpt files from another applications.
**The problem is the same if I use "AppleScript (Blocking)" or "AppleScript (Async in Background)"
Downloaded version 4.881 and the problem has been fixed. Great!!
If I select "Source Type: Apple Script" option, I select "External File (Choose existing)", and I select the external scpt file in the desktop, it doesn't work.
So, if I want to execute an AppleScript external file, I must select the action "Run Apple Script (Blocking)" or "Run Apple Script (Async in Background)" as always, is it correct?
Yes to run an SCPT file just do it like before. However you can also just save your apple scripts to a normal text file. In that case you'd still use the same actions but use this selection:
Performance is pretty much the same. It's just that it's easier to handle because you will see the contents of the script in BTT (and can use any code editor to edit them).