Possible to run JXA in a "Floating Menu" "Web View / HTML Item"?

I assumed it was possible to run JXA in a Floating Menu Web View / HTML Item but I'm getting Unhandled Promise Rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: runJAX logged in the Safari Developer console.

I then noticed that the docs describe how to run AppleScript and Shell scripts from the Web View, as well as running Apple Shortcuts from the Web View, but there's no mention of running JavaScript For Automation (JXA) from the Web View.

Is running JXA purposefully not enabled or is this a bug?

Here's my example Web View HTML. It includes the Starter Template with an additional button to trigger a JXA function, which as you can see produces the Unhandled Promise Rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: runJAX error.


		.wrapper {
			display: grid;
			grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
			grid-gap: 10px;
			color: #444;

		.box {
			background-color: #444;
			color: #fff;
			border-radius: 5px;
			padding: 15px;
			font-size: 12px;
			text-decoration: none;

		.box:hover {
			cursor: hand;
			background: red;

		#status {
			padding: 5px;
			color: red;
			font-weight: bold;

		/* This is called after the webview content has loaded*/
		function BTTInitialize() {
			document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'did initialize';

		/* This is called before the webview exits and destroys its content*/
		function BTTWillCloseWindow() {


		/* This is called before the webview hides*/
		function BTTWillHideWindow() {


		/* This is called when the webview becomes visible*/
		function BTTWindowWillBecomeVisible() {


		/* This is called when a script variable in BTT changes. */
		async function BTTNotification(note) {
			let data = JSON.parse(note);
			console.log(data.note, data.name);

			if (data.note == 'BTTNowPlayingInfoChanged') {
				let currentlyPlayingSong = await get_string_variable({ variable_name: 'BTTNowPlayingInfoTitle' });
				document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = currentlyPlayingSong;



		/* custom set brightness method using one of BTT's built-in dynamic variables */
		async function ChangeBrightness(value) {
			await set_number_variable({ variable_name: 'BuiltInDisplayBrightness', to: value })

		async function SayHelloWorld() {
			let shellScript = { script: 'say hello world' };
			let result = await runShellScript(shellScript);

		async function ShowAppleScriptDialog(title) {
			let appleScript = `
      set theDialogText to "${title}! The curent date and time is " &   (current date) & "."
      set result to display dialog theDialogText
      return result

			let appleScriptResult = await runAppleScript({ script: appleScript });
			document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = appleScriptResult;


		async function ShowJXADialog(title) {
			let jxaScript = `
			const app = Application.currentApplication();
			app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
			const theDialogText = "${title}! The current date and time is " + new Date();
			const result = app.displayDialog(theDialogText);
			return result;

			let jxaResult = await runJAX({ script: jxaScript });
			document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = jxaResult;

		function closeTheWebView() {
			// every BTT scriptinbg function does close the webview as long as it contains the closeFloatingWebView:1 parameter
			trigger_named({ trigger_name: '', closeFloatingWebView: 1 });

		async function getCurrentlyPlayingSong() {
			// this is special - as soon as the BTTCurrentlyPlaying is requested, BTT will start observing
			// media information and call the BTTNotification function above if they changed.
			let currentlyPlaying = get_number_variable({ variable_name: 'BTTCurrentlyPlaying' });



	<!-- adding BTTDraggable to an element will allow you to drag the window when dragging it -->
	<div class="wrapper BTTDraggable">

		<!-- The first example uses the bttweb:// link to execute a named trigger which must be defined in BTT. -->
		<a href="bttweb://trigger_named/?trigger_name=test">
			<div class="box a">Named Trigger: Test</div>
		<div class="box b" onclick="ChangeBrightness(0.6)">Set Brightness to 60%</div>
		<div class="box c" onclick="SayHelloWorld()">Say Hello World</div>
		<div class="box d" onclick="ShowAppleScriptDialog('hello')">Show Apple Script Dialog</div>
		<div class="box e" onclick="closeTheWebView()">Close the Webview</div>
		<div class="box f" onclick="getCurrentlyPlayingSong()">Get Currently Playing Song</div>
		<div class="box g" onclick="ShowJXADialog('hello')">Show JXA Dialog</div>
	<div id="status" class="BTTDraggable"></div>


I‘ll add the runJXA function later!

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