Porting timer widget from the Touch Bar to a floating menu

Can somebody help to adapt the Simple timer Widget for the Touch Bar mentioned in this thread to work as a floating menu, ideally putting it together in a preset?

I have extracted the scripts but don't know how to adapt them to the floating menus.

The scripts use for the original widget:

Script extracted from the Touch Bar widget json

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	set remainingSeconds to get_number_variable remainingSeconds
	if (remainingSeconds is equal to 99999) or (remainingSeconds is equal to missing value) then --timer is not running and should be started
		--ask for the duration via a dialog popup
		set dialogAnswer to display dialog "Please set timer using HH:MM:SS (max. 24 hours):" default answer "00:00:05" --edit this to change the default time
		set answer to text returned of dialogAnswer
		set answerHours to text 1 thru 2 of answer as text
		set answerMinutes to text 4 thru 5 of answer as text
		set answerSeconds to text 7 thru 8 of answer as text
		set totalSeconds to (answerHours * 3600) + (answerMinutes * 60) + answerSeconds
		set_number_variable remainingSeconds to 99998
		repeat totalSeconds times --count
			if (get_number_variable remainingSeconds) ≠ 99999 then -- if the variable is 99999, that means the timer was pressed again and should be stopped
				set totalSeconds to (totalSeconds - 1)
				set_number_variable remainingSeconds to totalSeconds
				refresh_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10"
				delay 1
			end if
		end repeat
		if (get_number_variable remainingSeconds) ≠ 99999 then
			repeat 10 times --blink to signal that the time is up
				--update_touch_bar_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10"  background_color 0,0,0,0
				delay 0.5
				-- update_touch_bar_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10" background_color 255,38,0,255
				delay 0.5
			end repeat
		end if
	else --timer is running and should be stopped
		set_number_variable remainingSeconds to 99999
		refresh_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10"
	end if
end tell

Script when widget is pressed


tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	set remainingSeconds to get_number_variable "remainingSeconds"
	if (remainingSeconds is equal to 99999) or (remainingSeconds is equal to missing value) then --timer is not running and should be started
		--ask for the duration via a dialog popup
		set dialogAnswer to display dialog "Please set timer using HH:MM:SS (max. 24 hours):" default answer "00:00:05" --edit this to change the default time
		set answer to text returned of dialogAnswer
		set answerHours to text 1 thru 2 of answer as text
		set answerMinutes to text 4 thru 5 of answer as text
		set answerSeconds to text 7 thru 8 of answer as text
		set totalSeconds to (answerHours * 3600) + (answerMinutes * 60) + answerSeconds
		set_number_variable "remainingSeconds" to 99998
		repeat totalSeconds times --count
			if (get_number_variable "remainingSeconds") ≠ 99999 then -- if the variable is 99999, that means the timer was pressed again and should be stopped
				set totalSeconds to (totalSeconds - 1)
				set_number_variable "remainingSeconds" to totalSeconds
				refresh_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10"
				delay 1
			end if
		end repeat
		if (get_number_variable "remainingSeconds") ≠ 99999 then
			repeat 10 times --blink to signal that the time is up
				update_touch_bar_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10" background_color "0,0,0,0"
				delay 0.5
				update_touch_bar_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10" background_color "255,38,0,255"
				delay 0.5
			end repeat
		end if
	else --timer is running and should be stopped
		set_number_variable "remainingSeconds" to 99999
		refresh_widget "2CA20DFA-8DAC-4E9A-A095-8BCC75ABAD10"
	end if
end tell

Script with the return value


tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	set remainingSeconds to get_number_variable "remainingSeconds"
	if (remainingSeconds is equal to 99999) or (remainingSeconds is equal to missing value) then -- the timer is not running
		return "timer"
	else -- the timer is running or is finished
		--create return text
		set outputSeconds to ((remainingSeconds mod 3600) mod 60) as integer
		set outputMinutes to (((remainingSeconds - outputSeconds) mod 3600) / 60) as integer
		set outputHours to ((remainingSeconds - outputMinutes * 60 - outputSeconds) / 3600) as integer
		if length of (outputSeconds as string) is equal to 1 then
			set outputSeconds to "0" & outputSeconds as string
		end if
		if length of (outputMinutes as string) is equal to 1 then
			set outputMinutes to "0" & outputMinutes as string
		end if
		--return text
		if outputHours is greater than 0 then
			return (outputHours & ":" & outputMinutes & ":" & outputSeconds) as string
			return (outputMinutes & ":" & outputSeconds) as string
		end if
	end if
end tell

Thanks in advance for any help.

So this should ask for the time, then just do a countdown?

Here is a simple timer example:
timer_example.bttpreset (46.2 KB)

The time is input in this format (examples):



1h 10min 5s




function parseDuration(duration) {
    const units = {
        h: 3600,
        min: 60,
        s: 1
    // Regex to match the number followed by the unit (h, min, s)
    const regex = /(\d+)(h|min|s)/g;
    let totalSeconds = 0;
    let match;

    while ((match = regex.exec(duration)) !== null) {
        const value = parseInt(match[1], 10);
        const unit = match[2];
        totalSeconds += value * units[unit];

    return totalSeconds;

function formatDuration(seconds) {
    const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
    const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
    const secs = seconds % 60;

    // Pad with zeros to ensure two digits for minutes and seconds
    const formattedHours = String(hours).padStart(2, '0');
    const formattedMinutes = String(minutes).padStart(2, '0');
    const formattedSeconds = String(secs).padStart(2, '0');

    return `${formattedHours}:${formattedMinutes}:${formattedSeconds}`;

async function startTimer() {
	let duration = await get_string_variable("timerTime");
 	let durationInSeconds = parseDuration(duration);

async function timer(durationInSeconds = 10) {

	if(durationInSeconds == 0) {
		const updateDescription = {"BTTMenuItemText": "Time is up!", "BTTMenuItemBackgroundColor": "233, 0, 0, 255"};
   await update_menu_item({"item_uuid": "1D974882-9376-4B09-81FC-E427F79CBD25", "json": JSON.stringify(updateDescription), "persist": true})
	} else {

	const updateDescription = {"BTTMenuItemText": formatDuration(durationInSeconds), "BTTMenuItemBackgroundColor": "0, 0, 0, 255"};
   await update_menu_item({"item_uuid": "1D974882-9376-4B09-81FC-E427F79CBD25", "json": JSON.stringify(updateDescription), "persist": true})

   setTimeout(() => {
   }, 1000);

	return "done"

Thanks for that, the presets help a lot in understanding how to do things.

In case it helps anybody I have uploaded my own my own attempt below:

Stopwatch.bttpreset (40.6 KB)

it is a very simple stopwatch showing elapsed minutes and it works with a temporary variable written to BetterTouchTool and it changes color at 5, 10 and 15 minutes.

Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 16.26.41

Please leave a comment if you find it useful! :smiley:


Nice!! I’m currently working on documenting all the new scripting possibilities for floating menus with as many examples as possible. I’ll add this example as well

Great, and thank you for a great app and all your effort!