Pause YouTube in browser

Hello, is there a way to send a pause command (i.e., spacebar) to Chrome browser through BTT while working in another program/app? I want a way to pause youtube videos and other recordings without changing windows. I can set this up using an app-specific command, but it would only be active in my touchbar when the program (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) is at the forefront. But I want to take notes in an active window (e.g., MS Word) while the video is playing. Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

For example, define the shortcut control + s (for stop) in all apps (universal), then define, send "spacebar to Chrome". Now you can work in Word. If you press control + s, youtube stops in Chrome, press again and youtube continues. No window change.

Thank you, Frank1! I took your directions and slightly modified like this:

• in BTT, created a touchbar action to "send space to Firefox"
• select "always show, even if other global actions are hidden"
• assigned the action "send shortcut to specific app" and selected Chrome


Welcome :grinning: