Parallels Desktop


I use Parallels Desktop and i noticed that when for exemple I use the mouse click on the wheel, left and right to assign short cut, this work well if a mac app is selected, but if this is a windows application in parallels desktop that is selected this is not working. Seem Bettertouch doesnt receive the click information.
I'm using coherence mode.

Any config to do to make sure BetterTouch receive the event before Parallels ?


I also use Parallels Desktop and the trackpad gestures work for me. I don't use a mouse, so I can't say anything about that.
But sending keyboard shortcuts are a challenge in Parallels apps, especially when modifier keys are in use (F1, F2 … etc. work).
In some cases i send a text-comand via curl (shell script) to a Windows internal web service and then run the shortcut within Windows with WinSendKeys. I have also implemented some things (such as typing “\”) with the BTT “Type Custom Text” action.

@MVE, did you maybe enable this option:

If that is active BTT receives the events at a higher level which might help with other mouse apps, but will cause problems with other apps that listen at lower level and steal the events from BTT.

Yes I had already ticked this before.

that‘s what I mean, for Parallels you‘d need to uncheck it

Just tried removign the tickbox and I still have the same issue

just to be sure, did you restart BTT after changing the setting?

Yes I did restart.
I did some test and progressed.
I fact using the show HUD I can see that the trigger is sent properly to BetterTouch but in fact this is the shortcut keyboard that I used [ctrl]+[Right Arrow] to change desktop on mac that is not working under parallel.

If I click myslef on those keys it works fine.

So its the shortcut itself in Bettertouch when the keys are sent that is not handle properly in parallels

also the same trigger works perfectly under mac, not in parallels

I'm exploring different way to send those shortcuts

Update 1: My Last tests shows thats this is the [CTRL] key that is causing the problem. If I change the shortcut to just left arrow. and press manuallyon [ctrl] the shortcut works well.
I tried various things but was not able still to find a solution

Update 2: I found a solution instead of using Keyboard Shortcut I used Applescript
tell application "System Events"
key code 124 using control down
end tell
Which is working well within parallels and also on the mac :slight_smile:
So I believe my issue is "fixed" but I seems there is a problem with the way the [CTRL] touch is handle within parallels

In my opinion, Parallels Desktop is the problem. Keyboard commands are already intercepted there and, if necessary, sent to Windows in converted form (e.g. CMD + C => CTRL + C etc.).
If you send the [CTRL] key via BTT, Parallels will ignore it. Somehow Parallels seems to intercept the keyboard commands differently than they are sent by BTT. It is therefore not possible, for example, to send “CTRL + S” to a Windows application via BTT, as only an “S” is received.
I have therefore written a (Windows) Web Service as described above and then execute the shortcuts directly in Windows with WinSendKeys. I then use BTT to send a command to Windows with Shell script (curl). In the example “[Active]^s”.

Thank I think you are right, in my case I was able to manage with the apple script :slight_smile: lucky me.

yes, unfortunately I have never found a reliable solution to send shortcuts to Parallels. Maybe I should give it another try, but now that Vmware Desktop is free and Parallels has yet again increased their subscription fees I'm not very motivated to invest time in Parallels.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing the same problems in VMware.

Yes, some things work with Applescript. But unfortunately some don't. And sometimes the BTT action “Type Custom Text” also helps.

I know, but if I try to fix it again I'll probably work on VMWare :slight_smile:

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I see that make sense. As for now my issue is fixed and it seems its only for few users. Definitively save your time for better features :slight_smile:

I just stumbled upon this, might be helpful for sending keys to parallels

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Thank you I"ll give it a try