Open Current URL of a Web App in a New Window

I'm running a custom Safari web app (named "Moodle Dashboard"). I'm looking for a shortcut/script that would duplicate my current window in that app.

*Since this is a Safari web app, it already has the "Copy Link" menu item (on Mac, the shortcut is ⌥⌘C). This copies the current URL to the clipboard.

*There is also a "New Window" shortcut (⌘N) which opens the app's main URL (home) in a new window, but not the current URL.

How might I take advantage of these existing shortcuts (or another method) to accomplish my goal?

I'd be grateful for any help...

Thanks in advance.

I think this will work in all browsers:

command-L, command-C, command-N, command-L, command-V, Return

Unfortunately, Safari web apps don't have an address bar, so command-L doesn't do anything....

As I wrote, the web app does have a short cut for copying the current URL (⌥⌘C) but I don't see where to copy it to...

unfortunately I don't think this is possible.

Maybe instead of using a Safari Web App you could use a BTT webview? Does the webapp anything apart from showing the moodle webpage?

The webapp offers very little; it's just a wrapper for the webpage.
I'd love to try the BTT webview- thanks for the suggestion.

I've never used it though. How might this work?
Let's say I can get my desired URL into the clipboard....what next?