New Update - Keyboard Shortcut vs Key Sequence


I am currently using a MacBook Pro M3. A little while ago I created a Keyboard shortcut to have the Next and Previous play buttons on the keyboard (F9 and F7) instead act as keyboard illumination increase and decrease. I allowed a repeat as well with a small delay so I can just hold down the key to repeat the increase and decrease - just like it works on apple keyboards with those buttons.

However, I just updated my BTT app to find that those keys no longer work with keyboard shortcuts, rather now they must be in Key Sequence. However, I cant figure out how to make it so I can just hold down the Next or Previous button and it repeat the increase or decrease.

Is there a way to do this or re-enable those keys for keyboard shortcuts?


Possibly try to re-record them, they should still work as keyboard shortcut but I think their codes changed with some macOS update

Ya it seems to have started after I updated my Mac. I tried re-recording them but still no luck.

Restarted everything a few times and seems to work now. Thanks!