NEW 3,4,5 Finger Touch Gestures [Trackpad]

Hi there, first of all, what a masterpiece you have created here. Currently on the trial version as I just got my first mac but will definitely upgrade to the full version of BTT.

I'm using another simple application switcher app called "Charmstone" for mac that lets you use 3 unique touch gestures to invoke an app switcher and seamlessly switch between apps without lifting your finger at all. So smooth.

Rest 5 Touches, Remove All Except 1
Rest 4 Touches, Remove All Except 1
Rest 3 Touches, Remove All Except 1

Example setting:

I can't find these touch gestures in the current BTT Trackpad Gestures and would love to use these here too.
Charmstone is free to use so you can download it and try the gesture yourself in order to see how it functions.

I have recently inplemented this in a generic way (rest x remove y - where x and y are configurable), it will be included in one of the next builds


Wow amazing news. I didn't know you're already working on it. If it works as smooth as in the other app, it will be a great enhancement for the already extensive list of touch gestures that has made navigating my mac even better.

Thank you so much

Best of all for anyone looking forward on using these gestures once they have been added, you can use them alongside apples own 3/4 finger swipe up/down gesture to invoke the build in Mission Control/App Expose setting. They don't interfere each other and work seamlessly alongside as you only touch the trackpad with multiple fingers and do the swipe action afterwards with the one 'resting' finger left.

Looking foward on trying it.

Your efficiency is really high. Buying this lifetime license is really a great value. Thank you.

In addition, report a bug: The problem of overlapping display of this list still exists for a long time.

V 5.180 now includes a first version of this gesture:

It can be quite flexible when used in combination with advanced trigger conditions

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tested a few different combinations and it works flawless so far. well done :+1:

Edit: I went straight to v5.189 if that matters

I have used the gestures for a day and am starting to like them a lot.
For example a "touch with 3 fingers, then release 2" fingers gesture works great for showing a floating menu. Combined with a "On Touch Release Trigger" to select a floating menu item & hide the menu this is quite nice.

in 5.190 I have added a slider to adjust the minimum touch duration


i primarily use it to start 3rd party app switcher/ app specific controller. I assign keyboard shortcuts to these new multiple finger touch gestures (as most apps give you the opportunity to start via a user selectable keyboard shortcut but lack explicit touchpad gestures). this is where BTT comes in and fills the gap. no pressing or clicking anymore. just tap and swipe in one move :wink:

@Andreas_Hegenberg i tested the new version v5.190.
using "touch with 5 fingers then release 4" or "touch with 4 fingers then release 3" etc. the action does not trigger always. i've set the touch duration to 0.0s (so no delay, as i would like to have it appearing instantly) but it only triggers every 2nd try and still with a slight delay. increasing the touch duration just makes it worse.
v5.189 (and probably previous versions) seem to have a better hit rate.

Not new but the "5 Finger Touch" gesture triggers pretty much 100% of the time instantly

if you set it to 0 it will behave very weird. The minimum duration is necessary because otherwise it is impossible to differentiate between a tap / accidental touch and a intended gesture. Also without the delay it becomes impossible to know the indended gesture because when lifting your fingers there will be a (very short) amount of time where less fingers are touching the trackpad.

The best value depends a bit on your usage, for me 0.14s is perfect

Another way to think of this value is "how fast can you lift the intended number of fingers"

alright thanks. i will adjust it accordingly

@Andreas_Hegenberg quick update since i see that you have changed the behaviour again within the recent builds last night.

I upgraded to v.5.194 now and all my complaints are pretty much gone. this build works as intended. very good enhancements :+1:

the new setting that you have added now as seen below (which was already checked by default in my case) was the solution to my problem. i can now touch with multiple fingers -> release all but one and continue my swipe action. triggers are not being missed anymore.

We discussed already why a 'minimum touch duration' might be necessary. And you said it can't be 0 in the description below, but the slider can still be set to 0s. I have it set like this and have no problems so far but why does the slider let me set it to 0s even though you mention it can't be 0s?

I guess it can be set to 0s is what you want to say but it SHOULD NOT be set to zero to avoid misbehaviour, right? I need it instant or with minimal delay e.g. 0.01s and so far i have no problems with it being this low.

Nevertheless, this build works great for me now. :wink:

you are correct with the new option the minimum duration is not required/ not used :+1:

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