Native 4 finger swiping speed

(Very much a first world problem but I might as well ask)

Is there a way to change the speed of the MacOS native 4 finger swipes? I am always slightly frustrated by how much I have to move my fingers to move between spaces

I switched to a BTT 4 finger swipe for Mission Control, but for lateral swiping I am attached to the way the spaces slide proportionally to the scrolling

I understand this is probably difficult to fix with BTT, but since it can change the scrolling speed I thought it might be possible

Or maybe there's a way to change the setting natively? a Terminal command or something
Does anyone know of a forum or Subreddit that would have an answer?


unfortunately that is not possible. Maybe at some point I‘ll add the animated space change to BTT

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I was digging a bit and found out about Yabai, a command line tool that apparently lets you manage windows and turn off all window animations to move faster

I found out about this thanks to this guy, who uses Yabai with BTT, and also gives a way to speed up the Mission Control animation

Unfortunately I didn't manage to install Yabai, and the mission Control speedup didn't work for me... I'll try again soon