Move window to desktop X does not work on Big Sur


I assigned the action "Move to Desktop 2" to shortcut "⇧ ⌃ 2" (shift-ctrl-2), but it simply does not work.
(in German: "Fenster auf Desktop 2 bewegen").

When I press the shortcut-keys, the mouse pointer moves to the top left corner of my selected window and returns back very soon - but nothing happens.

  • I tried to assign different shortcuts => no success

  • I switched of as many shortcut-related-programs as I could (e.g. iTerm2, copyQ) => no success

  • I granted BTT the screen recording permission and the accessibility permission (dt. "Bedienungshilfen") - double checked that.

  • I restartet the mac several times before I started writing this bug report here.

  • And I read as many related articles in this forum as I found.

But ... I couldn't get it working.

"Move Window One Space/Desktop Left/Right” does not work either.
Surprisingly "Move window to next monitor" (dt. "Fenster auf nächsten Monitor bewegen") works perfectly!

Apart from that, BTT seems to be a fairly powerfull tool and think about purchasing a licence for me and maybe all of our developers - but this feature is really important for me.

My setup:

  • latest BTT (Version 3.560 (1700))

  • latest MacOS (Big Sur 11.2.3)

  • latest Intel-based Hardware (Macbook Pro 2019, 16'', i9)

  • Original Apple mouse + original Apple Bluetooth keyboard

  • running a 3 Monitor setup: Retina + 2 external monitors

  • using Kensington SD5600T Thunderboldt 3 docking station

  • everything is brand new, since I got the Mac only 2 weeks ago (I am a Mac-newbie)

  • Also installed: copyQ, iTerm2 with Oh-My-Zsh, VS Code, Spring Tool Suite 4, IntelliJ, WebEx, VirtualBox, OneDrive, WebEx Productivity Tools, the complete O365 Suite, Thunderbird, and a view other tools which I expect not to interfere with BTT.

Any help is highly appreciated

Kind regards
