Maximize window not working

Hello, I am on MacOS 15.3 with BTT 5.137 . The custom Maximize Window Top Right or Left combination doesn't work for any windows except (!) BTT. So, in BTT the combination works flawlessly, yet once I try to use it in any other app - it doesn't. Strangely enough, when I change the maximization variation to any other type then Top Right or Top Left, it works again! This is veeeery strange. I can send a screeencast if necessary.

Can you provide your config, because I'm a bit confused if you are talking about the action "Configure Move / Resize" or for any of these:

Maximize Window Right Half
Maximize Window Left Half
Maximize Window to Bottom Half
Maximize Window to Top Half

I've tested all of these "Maximize Windows * Half", and they are working fine here.

I had a similar issue with BetterSnapTool 1.9.12 on macOS [--15.3-- edit:] 15.2 where Firefox didn't respond to control+option+command+arrow-up (which is mapped to 'maximize window') while other apps did until I switched from 'Integration with System Window Management' to 'Use Classic BetterSnapTool Window Management' in settings > general.