Magic Mouse - Double Tap and Drag STOP! ⛔️ in ALL Last Updates

  • iM4c :desktop_computer: i9 2019
  • VENTUR4 13.6

4.753 :no_entry:
4.747 :no_entry:
4.746 :no_entry:

4.736 :no_entry:
4.733 :no_entry:

4.731 :no_entry:
4.729 :no_entry:
4.728 :no_entry:
4.727 :no_entry:
4.725 :no_entry:

4.715 :white_check_mark::ok_hand:t2: . . at moment, I use this.

how did you configure it? (double tap to drag is working fine here)

If possible please go to help => export diagnostic debug information and send the result to, maybe I can see what's wrong

.. sorry for disturb, :pray:t2: I thinked was general issue. :pensive:

Ok, I'll tried it tomorrow. 'GoodNight iN Italy :stars::film_projector::clapper::film_strip::headphones::zzz::hugs:
And soon, I'll tried in SONOM4 too {as soon as I'll have a time to restart Mac in other partition}.

Ps. No change nothing I've done, :flushed: suddenly he's stop alone . . . :roll_eyes:

Heart Th4nks Ever :gear::lollipop::gem::rainbow::dolphin::innocent::star2::pray::green_heart:
and Thanks for Being There :woman_astronaut:t3::rocket::dizzy::ringer_planet:

Maybe it's fixed in v4.755!

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.. ah ok! :white_check_mark::ok_hand:t2: so I haved good seen . . . :sunglasses::v:t2:

You are been . . more speed of me! :roll_eyes::tornado: I've just readed :eyes: and Installed the 4.763!! :dizzy::sparkles::ok_hand::green_heart::revolving_hearts::sparkles::dizzy: Th4nk You So So So Much :pray:t2::om::green_heart::revolving_hearts: