Since a few months my Mac's graphics start lagging after the computer has been sleeping. There's a delay when moving the mouse or clicking items. Over the course of an hour or so, it becomes worse and worse. Also, Keynote slides on a mirrored HDMI screen will only change seconds later compared to the Mac's mainscreen. A warm boot always resolves the issue but that is not convenient of course.
I think I have ruled out other software on my Mac that messes with graphics, like MouseCursor Pro .... could it be that BTT is causing this? Disconnecting external hardware makes no difference btw
so the delay is only on your external display? or on the internal as well?
Sounds like maybe something is using a lot of cpu (>100%). Have you already checked that via activity monitor?
Personally I haven’t seen anything like this with BTT, however as BTT allows to configure anything you want, it’s definitely possible that some configuration is using a lot of CPU.
In case you have the experimental Dropbox/iCloud sync enabled in BTT - try to deactivate that. If this gets into a bad state it can cause high CPU usage.
Thanks for coming back so quickly Andreas. The delay is also on my internal screen. Please check out the attached video (there is no hardware attached).
I always keep a close eye on CPU, my menubar utitlity reads mostly between 10-20% and I have not enabled Cloudsync in BTT
So there's no settings in BTT you can think of that are worth trying?
The Purple circle is Mouse Cursor Pro, I use that only for presentations. But quitting that app does not resolve the issue.
Quitting BTT also does net help, but I know that system extensions in general can remain active nonetheless.
But not in the case of BTT I assume, otherwise you would have mentioned it?
BTT doesn't have any system extensions, it should be completely quit after quitting it.
The only possibility would be that there is a bug in the system that somehow gets triggered and "stays" once it has happened. Really hard to debug though :-/
Is any process using a LOT of memory when this happens?