Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg ,
I was trying to trigger a named trigger from an external app but instead of performing the action, it is just opening BTT Preferences.
I went through this doc: Using Custom URL Scheme · GitBook and was executing the command
open "btt://execute_assigned_actions_for_trigger/?uuid=F22E4F96-534B-4AB1-8668-95D109582972"
but it is just opening the BTT preferences.
The action of this named trigger is a "Transform & Replace Selection with JavaScript" action.
PS: I am using Alfred to execute this command, but even executing it via Terminal doesn't help.
url scheme commands always „activate“ the app, this it will also bring the preferences to the front if you have them open. Closing the BTT preferences first should fix this.
I tried too. The focus changes for a second, but does not Transform or Replace the text. I just hear a sound (click)
The same Trigger/Action works if I trigger it normally (via BTT's keyboard shortcut)
here's the action Dropbox - Untitled.json - Simplify your life
Hey there, I also tried using a link to activate a trigger from an external app, in my case karabiner-elements. When I press a keyboard shortcut, I want to execute the betterTouchTool keyboard shortcut.
On the image below, the trigger I want to execute is "paste bash", it works fine if I press hyper+n on my keyboard
But it's not working when I run it from another app using
open "btt://execute_assigned_actions_for_trigger/?uuid=CF579738-1663-49D8-8EA7-C6F55E6840F0"
Am I missing something?
I figured it out, it works if the first thing I do is show the app, and then configure the actions, as seen below. If I don't show the app first, it doesn't perform my actions (In case you still have issues @andy4222 FYI @Andreas_Hegenberg )