Current behaviour: e.g. CAPS (Hyper) + L is meant to go to Logseq. It does indeed go to Logseq, but it also leaves the CAPS LOCK on behind it (so I have to press CAPS LOCK again every time I trigger a shortcut combo).
Try to restart BTT? I'm also seeing this dual behaviour (V4.9992) but only after wake-from-sleep and always fixed by a BTT restart (you can trigger a restart of BTT with BTT ). Perhaps it is worth to send Andreas debug logs when this happens...
Not fixed for me. Let's say I am awake and have a fresh BTT:
➪ pmset -g stats
Sleep Count:13
Dark Wake Count:11
User Wake Count:3
...BTT hyper key is working, no capslock. Now shut lid wait and reopen, verify with pmset we had a sleep:
➪ pmset -g stats
Sleep Count:14
Dark Wake Count:12
User Wake Count:4
Now caplock hyperkey is both working as hyperkey but still toggling caps lock status. Restart BTT and everything working. BTT 4.9994 and macOS 15.3 beta
EDIT: this problem is solved at least with this option now:
Actually, I have just noticed this too. I thought it was working on v4.9994, but I have just come back to my laptop, woke it from sleep and it's doing it again. Restart of BTT fixes it again.
On 4.9997 things have got worse. Currently on wake from sleep even though I am restarting BTT I often end up with Caps lock on, especially on my logitech external keyboard (I've had the case where my internal keboard types lowercase and the logitech types upper ). This is a bit variable (not every wake), but currently I normally have to shut down BTT then toggle caps lock off then start BTT manually to fix this, restarting BTT alone doesn't work.
I made an action to try to reset the keyboard mappings before restarting but it doesn't help:
It would be good if there was an action to turn caps lock OFF explicitly, at the moment there is only a toggle option, maybe with that an automated action could reset the caps lock before restarting?
ah that sounds like your keyboard might not be ready for some reason, that could explain the issue. I’ll add some code to perform the re-initialization once the system sees the keyboard
@laterral you mean in general? I know it is working for many users now (apart from some issues after sleep), could you give some details about your setup? (keyboard type, keyboard language/layout, macOS version )
@iandol, would be great if you'd check with 4.9998 alpha, I added a reload when the system tells BTT that a new keyboard has been connected.
Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issue with my keyboards/machine, so it's currently just guessing. I'll be back in office in January then I can try with more keyboard combinations.
keyboard is the Apple Magic Keyboard, connected wirelessly, UK layout. this also happened with the built in MacBook keyboard (UK layout). I'm on MacOS 15.2.
let me know if there's anything else about my setup/ BTT setup you want me to share - happy to help figure this out + thanks for looking into it.