Keyboard Shortcut - Select Context Menu Item

I would like to create a key sequence that selects a specific item in the context menu.

Currently my key sequence actives the context menu (just like a right click).
If I re-enter the key sequence (while the context menu is visible) it selects the item in the context menu, based on the cursor's (current) position.

Is this a feature request or did you find out how to do it?
I’d really like to have something like this!

Based on the 1st paragraph of text (see attachment) it sounds like what I'm asking to do would be a feature request.

However, based on the 1st example they described, it sounded like the Menu Option could be activated with a "trigger" (without relying on the cursor's current position).

oh so that works for rightclick menus??

which action is this?

It's the trigger context menu item action. Possibly try to include a wild card after Create Clone, i.e. Create Clone*

The ... is sometimes a symbol and not three actual dots. Also unfortunately this action only works in apps that implement native macOS context menus, so not in Firefox, Java apps and the like.

I didn't realize that!

I am trying to use the "triggered action" within an application called "FileWave Admin". Before building a trigger action I added FileWave Admin into the (Select Application) sidebar.

But you're saying that the BetterTouchTool won't be able to perform the desired action (for a Context Menu item), because FileWave Admin is not native to macOS. Is that correct?

Is there anything that can be done to allow 3rd party apps to use the Context Menu (keyboard) trigger?

Before I knew that action was a thing, I used to go through these actions:

Save Mouse Position
Move mouse to Position
Right click
Delay: 0.2 (to let the menu show)
Keystroke: ↓ Down Arrow
Keystroke: ↓ Down Arrow
Keystroke: ↓ Down Arrow
Keystroke: ↓ Down Arrow (plus as many times as needed)
Keystroke: Enter
Restore Mouse Position

It worked pretty well, though you’ll need to wait for it to cycle through all the menus, it’s satisfying to watch when you trigger it and I’ve had no problems since.


Just stumbled upon this today as I was looking for a way to do something similar with context menus within Finder for items I selected with the keyboard. One interesting alternative that saves a little time is that many (all?) context menus allow typing the first few letters of the menu item to automatically move selection to that item. For example, to move to the "Copy link to clipboard" item on the menu, regardless of which position it is in, typing C-O-P-Y-L-I-N-K will automatically make that the selected item.

With that in mind, instead of using Down Arrows to get to the right menu item (my situation would have required sixteen of these), I just used the Type Text action to type enough of the beginning of the item to uniquely identify it. My sequence then looks like this:

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