[Keyboard] How do I long press on keyboard?

Sorry, a little afraid to lock myself out. :cold_face:

I put this on:

Left click, short = normal left click

Left click, long = something


Ah, or I set up the left click with a modifier before for safety...

you don't need to add left click short, I have made it so that if you only have a long click defined, the standard click will still work. Worst case you can use right click to disable the trigger :slight_smile:

Das ist richtig gut durchdacht :-), danke, Andreas.

Sorry, bin wohl zu blöd... BTT will hier einen Modifier...


if you want to do it without modifier you need to check the checkbox with the warning triangle.

That is what I did before. Unfortunately, it does not work. With the modifier (shift) it does. :man_shrugging:

I just tried with a fresh install of BTT to make sure none of my settings interfere. This seems to work fine here (I marked all the settings I made):

I deleted my action and set it up again. Now it works. Sorry, no idea why, I had it that way before. :man_shrugging:Anyway, thanks, it works :slightly_smiling_face:

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