Just Another Logi Options Complaint

Hello, Andreas!

I know there are nine million bicycles in Beijing, and around as many complaints about the fine Logi Options app clashing with BTT and preventing people from implementing the basic shortcut designs BTT is made to help with.

I have to admit, I didn't go through all of those just yet. Still, I would like to report another bug. I don't hope to see it fixed, but maybe it's something.

I have my Logi mouse set up to switch between windows with gestures assigned to a side button.

snap 2024.10.01 09-12-22

We shall ignore the gestures. (They use keyboard shortcuts as crutches to trigger through BTT and tell AltTab to do its thing; we shall ignore AltTab as well.) The basic switch function is assigned to the simple press of the side button. Logi sends a shortcut, BTT receives it and does one action — its own 'Activate Previous Window' .

It all works. Fine, most of the time. (Even the much more complex actions made to interact with AltTab through BTT, — do work.) Except, every once in a couple of hours, or days, or minutes, for no obvious reason, it would cease working. This very button, these very actions. Other Logi things work, BTT works perfectly. But for this one simple interaction. And the only way to bring it back is to pkill the Logi agent, and wait for a minute or two until it restarts and runs as it should. Until next time.

So. The reason I'm writing this is because I've just found that this cease of function may be linked to BTT itself.

The thing is. Say I have everything running perfectly well. The window switch button works. I would (through, say, menu bar) restart BTT. BTT restarts and runs as it should. But the Logi button has stopped working now. pkill Logi. Wait. Everything's fine. Restart BTT — button is a dud again. pkill. Wait. Perfect. Restart BTT. A dud. I could continue, we, all of us, are familiar with masochistic pleasures to an extent.

So, I'd just like to say that those random ceases of operation by Logi may be linked to what BTT does in some way. Since, in these most basic, 100% repeatable circumstances, it's BTT restarting that leads to trouble, and not the other way around.

I'm very sorry for being prolix. But — does this seem like anything to you?

Thank you so much for your work!

Which Logitech mouse are you using?

One good thing: I recently made very good progress in completely replacing the Logitech app. So soon all configuration will be possible in BTT, but it's still a few weeks away from being released.

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Hi ! Did you make further progress on the replacement of Logitech app ?

Hey Andreas, any update on this?

This would be incredible. I actually bought BTT to get rid of Options, Options+, Logi Bolt, and all the nonsense apps Logitech installs.

If I'm able to reverse horizontal scrolling for the MX Master 3S mouse I'm pretty much covered! :smiley:

I have several Logitech K380 keyboards, and was originally using Logitech's bloated monstrosity for doing one thing only: let FN keys work as FN. I recently found the tiny (4.4MB) BetterMouse.app could do this: https://better-mouse.com and it works great; bought it immediately and it works fine alongside BTT. It does a bunch of mouse remapping stuff too, so you may find it useful, I'm sure BTT could also do something similar too, but in this case two apps can complement each other.

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Awesome!! I'll look at this. Hopefully we can have a "native" BTT setting for that in the future though :slight_smile: