Java Script Transformer not working for me

Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81)

I had a few transformers working but my recent upgrade to the latest paid version has broken my scripts. Now even the stock example script doesn't seem to work.
"paste specific items" and "Transform clipboard contents with Java Script" are both not working for me.
Other triggers and actions are working - I can replace the transformer with e.g. Send Keyboard "T" - that works

Which version of BTT are you currently on? There was a fix related to the "Paste specific item" action in the very latest 4.9999

I am using the very latest version 4.9999.

What steps could I take to fix this?

Can I suggest that If it’s working your end, can you give details on what steps you took. I’ll do the exact same steps and see what’s results I get.

could you try whether they work for you when you invoke them from the clipboard manager directly?
If so, do they keep working afterwards?

No, invoking the java script transformer from the clipboard manager didn't do anything either.

HOWEVER... I've managed to get it working again, although I haven't changed any of the general settings or java script code or settings within the shortcut etc.

I exported the transformers I had, deleted them, made a fresh one and got that working. Simply reimporting them didn't work without that last step didn't work.

So, I don't really know what happened. Perhaps a setting got corrupted?

The only other thing I did was to change the order of the transformers, so that might have been a contributing factor.

weird - in that case I think it might start happening again.

I will look into the issue soon!