Usage - I use those shortcuts in Android Studio for navigation - navigating back and forth on the places where the cursor was placed. Same shortcuts can be used in Chrome for navigation through the history.
The first Back gesture (cmd + [) is triggered and executed fine. For every following it looks like it executes both - the one back (cmd + [) and then one forth (cmd + ])... it is visible that the cursor moves to the previous line, and then it automatically moves back to the last one. So, you can do only one step back (the first) and after it you are looping on the same spot.
ok, then maybe it's a problem with Android Studio (unfortunately it behaves in weird ways sometimes, probably because it's a Java application).
I'll check later today with my Android Studio installation!
Though, I noticed some details around this behavior:
the issue is also reproducible/observable in Google Chrome - those shortcuts are used for Backward/Forward History navigation
the issue is ONLY reproducible when the pointer is Over the application - Android Studio or Google Chrome. If the app is selected, but the pointer is NOT over the application - the gestures and shortcuts work as expected
if only one of the gestures is enabled (the other is dissabled), let's say I have disabled the 2 Finger Swipe Left gesture (assigned to cmd+] ) the following behavior is observed:
when 2 Finger Swipe Right (cmd+[) gesture (the active one) is triggered, it fails as explained before: the first time triggered - works, the following triggers are failing
when 2 Finger Swipe Left (cmd+] - the inactive/disabled one) is executed/triggered - the back navigation is correctly executed every time. Note that the back navigation (cmd+[) is assigned to the other swipe direction and this one whould be disabled.