Is there anyone who could make a script..Remove all the blank for new clipboard javascript functions

With the addition of new features, we have a lot of ways to utilize them.
I'm not good at implementing programming because I'm not good at it.
I'd like to ignore the spacing as shown in the image below and collect them all.
What should I do?
I'm sorry that I feel like I'm leaving my homework for you, but please do it for me.

  • If the typical text transformator that can be used frequently is labeled as a template, it would be more convenient for users who don't know programming language like me. Developer of btt.


Google js remove spaces

How to remove spaces from a string using JavaScript? - Stack ... › questions › how-to-remove-spaces...

thank you for your help.
Actually, I really don't know anything, so I was at a loss when I looked it up before, but after my own reasoning, I completed it like this.
It's working!

async (clipboardContentString) => {
return clipboardContentString.replace(/\s+/g, '')}


Now you're a developer :wink: