Is there a way to disable a certain category of triggers for a given app?


Is there a way to disable a certain category of triggers for a given app?

For instance, I would like to have an option to disable mouse gestures/drawings but only in OneNote for Mac app. The reason is complicated: there is no panning / hand / grab-to-scroll tool in OneNote for Mac (there is one in the Windows version), — and it's a sorely missing feature.
I've searched above and below, and could only find one app that could imitate this feature — Smooze. It has this Grab feature that lets you grab-to-pan anywhere in the system. But I use a Logitech mouse with Logi software, which only allows using right mouse button to grab with Smooze. And that would be perfectly fine, except RMB is the button I use with BTT gestures ((

So, is there a way to disable mouse gesture for a certain app?


Or maybe, just maybe, there is a way to conjure up a grab-to-pan functionality within the depths of the behemoth that is the dearly beloved BTT? Just asking.

the easiest is to create a conditional activation group that is not active for certain apps. Then copy your drawings to that CAG:

I don't think you can replicate the grabbing easily with BTT, however you could use a different mouse button for the drawing gestures in BTT: