Ingo2 - the preset that I use on my MacBook Pro

My first thought on the use of TouchBar was to use it as a dock to "hide" the Dock and reclaim the bottom of my screen.

Although there are many presets with lots of functions, I wanted something more basic as the Dock is. For that I found Ingo preset, that was very basic. Upon that I started to create a preset with the features I think are nice for me.

I want to thank every preset developer here in this community, because my preset has parts of many preset published here.

I call my preset as Ingo2. Here are the images of it:

Here is Ingo2 preset. I hope you enjoy.

**Ingo2.bttpreset (5.7 MB) **

Here is the link for Ingo_v1 that I used first time with BTT.

Do the Apple Music Like/dislike buttons work on Big Sur?

yes, totally. the only problem it is that is a bit slow to change state.
by the way, everything is working on my preset.
I don't like some fancy presets here because they require many adjusts and end up not working right.
My preset is simple and easy to use.
thank you for asking.

Happy New Year.

I just tested out your preset, and looks like it works just like I'd thought. The love/dislike buttons work only when you have the track added to your library. For tracks that are streaming from AM and not added to the library, the AppleScript returns an error.


can you tell me how you added a border to the "ESC" button, please ?

Any really sorry I never saw your message.
If I remember I think I got the ESC image from another BTT set.
I still use my BTT set with my MacBook Pro 15" TB.
Here in Brazil, a new MacBook Pro is very expensive to buy. I will hold this until it runs fine.