when I checked the forecast source on aqua touch on 3.6.10 version, it says that it is dark sky.net how to change it
that’s probably just a hardcoded label in the preset. Darksky doesn’t exist anymore and btt always uses apple weather instead
But I am getting 0 degree as my weather, please help me, I love your app so much and the developers would really love support for freecodecamp website, the location I set to automatic but my location is not getting detected and the location services is on and but can access it.
please reply admin, I have been waiting for a long time, thank you
you have waited for one hour
Sorry, unfortunately I don’t know. Maybe AquaTouch us using a custom weather script and not the standard widget?
I also tried using coordinates for location but it still did not work
maybe a firewall blocking the network requests from the weather widget?
There is no additional firewall installed
I also live in India