Improperly signed update when downgrading to version covered by expired license

My 2-year license is up. I don't know whether I was on the Alpha release channel or if I was on a trial, but I have to revert to an older version covered by my license.

However, when I select "downgrade to last covered version," I get the error "this update is improperly signed and could not be validated. Please try again later or contact the app developer." I am trying to downgrade from 4.926 to 4.853.

This has been happening for 2 days. BTT says it's disabled. I reimported my old license and still my gestures aren't working.



Device information:

  • Type of Mac: M1 Pro MacBook Pro (2022)
  • macOS version: macOS Seqouia 15.1.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.926 (target is 4.853)

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

I'll have a look. For now you can manually downgrade via Index of /releases

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