If copied / clicked link is from youtube, open in Brave browser

I'd like to have any youtube links I copy (anything including youtu.be or youtube.com) or leftclick with a modifier key to open Brave and a new tab with the copied / clicked link.

I currently have this preset: option + leftclick to copy link and open it in Brave but it doesn't work, It shows rightclick menu momentarily.
modclick_to_brave.bttpreset (1.6 KB)

I also thought using clipboard manager for the copied link route but I don't really know where to start.

Any ideas?

Edit: The shared preset only works with the link being in full text format which is not really useful.

why not use veljia, its has more feature and redirect also, as i understand you want to redirect youtube links to open in brave

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Since Velja has this limitation, I went around that by automating "open in Velja" and browser selection using BTT. This solves my search.

opt+click to open in Brave using Velja.bttpreset (2.3 KB)

Ideally I'd like to have a if clicked link contains "youtube" then... so I could avoid having to press a modifier key. I'll mark this as solved but If someone knows how to do this please let me know!

EDIT: I found a better way by long pressing right mouse button over any link I want to open in Brave, triggering "Copy link" + running the Shortcut Velja has on their app and tweaking it to return the clipboard link with:

set the clipboardContent to (the clipboard as text)
return clipboardContent

It's a bit convoluted but it works well enough with the Safari extension + Velja and Shortcuts. I'd hope it could open in a new tab instead of a new window, but maybe that's asking too much already, who knows.